My fav baby lotion


I am no expert on babies – I just have one.  I’ve literally had to buy nothing so far for my son when it comes to head to toe body wash, shampoo, and lotions.  I recieved about three years worth of it at my baby shower.  Babies are little (duh), so a 15 oz bottle of lotion will pretty much last them until they quintuple in size (I never in a million years thought I’d ever use the word quintuple).  So to get to the point, one of my favorites is Johnson & Johnson’s shea & cocoa butter baby lotion.  It smells nice and it gentley hydrates baby skin (your hands too).  This large bottle is under $5 and I totally recommend it.

Best Infant Spoons

Munchkin BPA Free Soft Tip Ifant Spoon – 6 pack … my FAVORITE spoons for my son Nicholas.  I recommed these spoons to any mother.  They are the perfect size for a babe’s little mouth – and the length gives you control.  They are also a terrific low price and I like the colors.